A Dog’s Tale: Reeny the Ukrainian Hachiko

The heartbreaking true story of how Reeny waited for her deceased tutor on their Makariv porch for days on end

Rui Alves
Lessons from History
4 min readApr 13, 2022


Reeny’s Akita lookalike stands watch on a porch depicting the events at Makariv during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Photo by József Koller on Unsplash

This heartbreaking dog’s tale holds actual footage and a name, Tetiana Zadorozhniak, who had lost her husband a year ago to an invisible enemy, COVID-19. Afterward, a less insidious foe, but no less nefarious…



Rui Alves
Lessons from History

I'm a language teacher, essayist and published author (who joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.